Sunday, June 05, 2005

Pay-as-you-go road charge plan!

The government is throwing its weight behind a revolutionary plan that would force motorists to pay £1.30 a mile to drive on Britain's busiest roads in a bid to prevent 'LA-style gridlock'.

The Transport Secretary, Alistair Darling, will use his first address since the election to launch a 'national debate' on the importance of introducing a national road-pricing scheme to solve Britain's chronic congestion.

Unfortunately for me, this will mean I will just get back into driving after a eight year break and will have to pay these new tolls, which is not good. However, I suppose if it does encourage people to use public transport and therefore help the environment they must be a good idea!

1 comment:

Simon said...

I'm brewing up a post on this one, but not yet got it onto the PC.

I'm unsure about scrapping vehicle and fuel tax though. There is a fairness in fuel tax in that it taxes you based on the resources you use, rather than where you need to use them.