Monday, October 18, 2004

Can Britain Really Go Back to Coal?

I was quite interested in the linked article about Britains future dependance on coal! It seems only a few years ago, when I was studying G.C.S.E. Geography that we where told that there was no future for coal in energy generation in the U.K.

The report seems to be saying that not as many developments have taken place in renewable resources as was thought a few years ago. Mainly due to environmental disputes over the location of the renewable sources, such as wind farms and a lack of funding, and the old Not In My Back Yard (NIMBY), which is someone who doesn't want certain things in his/her immediate vicinity, like a wind farm or hydroelectric plant!

We all know the environmental problems people think they can cause, when realisticly they do not cause many problems at all. Last year I went on holiday to Wales and I saw the windfarms they have built on the moors around their, and they do not really look so bad, in fact you could maybe say they looked kind of beautiful!

And in some of our estuarine locations we could maybe create some resources to harness the tidal power of the sea, however, it seems from the above article we do need some more Nuclear Power Stations to help generate electricity until the renewable forms of energy can be made efficient enough to generate enough energy for all!

Anyway, this evening I visited the gym, this is the reason for my late post! Will speak more soon!

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