Monday, September 13, 2004

Had a nice long walk and pick me up!

Today, has being quite a strange day, all in all! Early this morning I got up early to start work on my dissertation, everything seemed to be going to plan, and I had quite a few good ideas when starting to write!

Anyway, I got up after three hours at the computer, working towards my dissertation, to watch the news! What should be happening but a protestor had bi-passed the new allegedly stringent security checks at Buckingham Palace and was on the balcony of the place! Claiming to be part of the father's for justice group, I suppose they must think they have a point to prove, but why they can't just write to their MP like normal people living in a democratic society I am not quite sure. Anyway, that made the lunchtime news a little more entertaining today!

After this short side track I got back to working on my dissertation, and I also found out that the Alternative Rally last weekend, had being cancelled. I don't know why this was, so it is maybe a good job I decided not to go because I was too worn out!

Anyway, the rain stayed away once again today, which was good, I don't know how long the weather can maintain its calm spell for, according to the weather forecast it should all end tomorrow, when I will make it to the gym! This afternoon I got back to working on my dissertation, only another few months to go I suppose!

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