Friday, August 13, 2004

Contentious Subject!

I would just like to take this opportunity to clear up a few points I made in my post yesterday! As, I have had quite a busy time of it and was rather tired. I didn't mean to be quite so critical of Jonathan's Work on the SAGGA website! I know that these things take time, and a lot of effort, especially when you are busy doing other things. Sorry, if I seemed over critical of your good work, and am sorry to hear of the website problems you are having!

The second point I would like to correct my Blog readership on is the fact as Martin reminded me, SAGGA members do not have a direct membership of SSAGO, they have to be associate members as I am at the moment. I would like to thank Martin for reminding me of that point! Anyway now that is all cleared up, I am back in Hornsea for the weekend to see several friends. I will try not to put my foot in it in such a big way in future! Hope all my readership is well, so now I will get back to writing my essay!

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

Hey Andy, feel free to criticise the website. :-) It’s at the stage where I’m embarrassed that people keep linking to the site in their blogs ‘cos I know how bad it is.