Friday, July 23, 2004

Fine Weather!

The weather today is relatively fine, which pleased me as I had a few outdoors type things to do today, I would have thought after the vast amount of rain we had the grass would be more boggy, but it isn't! Anyway, today once again I have mostly being completing revision for my forthcoming Java Programming exam , as well as doing yet more work on my IST revision, all good fun!

What do they say, THE FUN OF BEEN A STUDENT? I'm not quite sure I know the meaning of this, but it is all worth it in the end! I know this and have also been assured this by various other people. So I will keep soldiering on at it until I am or it is finished, anyway I should get back to the work, will speak tomorrow, signing off Blogger for another day!

P.S. Sorry, for being boring and posting in normal styles & colours but I don't have time for anything else during the week!

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