Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Today, I actually made it to the cinema to watch Spiderman 2!

I have had quite a interesting day, it started off with me going to pay my papers! Which is an interesting walk as the shop that delivers my papers is located two miles away in the village of Osgodby! I also went to the doctors whilst I was on this mission before it got too hot to walk around outside!

I came back to University and decided to get on with my work for a few hours, before realising it had got too warm and I couldn't really concentrate after approximately five hours of work! I therefore decided to go and see the movie that I said I would go and see on my blog yesterday, Spiderman 2!

Overall, the movie was very good. When the movie finished I came back to my room to continue my work and revision as it was now cooler, and I was able to work! Will post some more fascinating facts tomorrow! When I intend to make my first visit of the week to the gym!

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